JOCURI-tot ce trebuie ca sa stii sa le joci

Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction - RPG
Diablo 2 - Ancestor's Recall - RPG
Diablo 2 - The Fury Within - RPG
Fifa 2004 - Fotbal :PP
Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos - RTS
Warcraft III - Frozen Throne - RTS
Anarchy Online - MMORPG
Project Entropia Online - MMORPG
Gothic 2 - Adventure
Need Fort Speed Underground - Race
Heroes III - TBS
World of Warcraft Online - MMORPG

                                                      Alte detalii , intrebari sau propuneri de jocuri sunt binevenite. Pt detalii vb cu ^z3n^